Two men have been accused of ra-ing a nine-month-old baby and recording the assault.
A grand jury indicted 19-year-old Isiah and 22-year-old Daireus on various charges, including aggravated se-ual exploitation of a minor.
According to the Attorney General’s Office release, the girl’s mother found videos of the attack on a cellphone and reported the incident to police. One of the videos allegedly showed one suspect touching the baby, who was naked from the waist down, as he exposed himself.
The child’s mother identified the two men from the video. According to the release, Isiah was the man in the video, and Daireus was filming.
Isiah was indicted on a charge of aggravated assault of a child, and Daireus was indicted on a charge of being criminally responsible for the conduct of another person in the aggravated ra-e of a child.
We are republishing this story amid recent reports that child sexual abuse has surged in the U.S. Statistics indicate 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience se-ual abuse or assault by an adult.