An adult woman was taken into custody after she attended a juvenile’s birthday celebration while under the influence of alcohol, first intoxicating a 17-year-old boy and then se-ually assaulting him.
The birthday party for a young guy who was turning 16 years old started out in a bowling alley, but then continued to a house in the neighborhood for the remainder of the celebration. Jessica, who was 45 years old at the time, was reportedly out drinking with another friend at the time when she made the decision to go to the party that was held by the teenagers.
At some point, the friend went to sleep while Jessica continued to stay up with the youngsters and make inappropriate se-ual comments. According to an affidavit, Jessica went as far as calling a 12-year-old girl “a who**.”
While spending time with the youngsters, Jessica even suggested the idea of the 12-year-old having se- with an older boy because “he has the biggest d***.”
One girl at the party, aged 12, spoke about how she fell asleep on a bean bag chair and later woke up to hear strange se-ual sounds. What she saw when she opened her eyes was the sight of Jessica having se- with a 17-year-old boy just an arm’s length away from her.
As she later spoke to the police, the 12-year-old girl said the teenage boy whispered to her and asked for help. She then saw the teenage boy get up from the spot and go to the bathroom to puke. Once he came back to the spot, the se-ual activity reportedly resumed.
“[The girl] stated the se- was mutual, and they were both actively engaged in it. Neither of them was telling the other to stop, and both were moving,” according to the affidavit.
However, when the 17-year-old boy spoke to authorities, he said he had fallen asleep on a loveseat after the party was over. That’s when Jessica came up to him and started ra-ing him. And he “could not push her off of him because she was too heavy,” the boy said.
Jessica then picked up her clothes once she was done and left the house with her belongings, according to a press release.
The incident came to light after the victim spoke to a staff member at his school about what happened at the party. Soon, the police were informed, and Jessica was arrested outside her workplace. When Jessica was questioned about the incidents that took place on the night of the party, she claimed she blacked out after drinking with her friend and couldn’t recall what happened later. She also claimed to have remembered waking up on the loveseat at some point and finding the teenage boy having se- with her.
Jessica currently remains at the jail on a bond of $150,000. She is facing charges for two counts of child abuse and two counts of unlawful se-ual activity with a minor.