Local News

Fairborn City Council bans private use of fireworks

Fairborn, Ohio – People who are inside the city limits of Fairborn will no longer be allowed to use fireworks after the City Council voted to ban their use. According to a recently passed state law, lighting off fireworks will soon be legal in Ohio, but the law also gives the local governments the option to decide on their own whether they will allow or ban fireworks.

The recently passed law will go into effect on July 1, allowing residents to celebrate major holidays with fireworks.

Fairborn’s City Council voted unanimously last Monday night to ban the private use of fireworks by city residents.

Residents and the Fairborn police have all said that they agree with the ban. They say that it will reduce the chance of getting hurt and won’t make things worse for the military members in Fairborn who may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

This ordinance bans residents from setting off their own fireworks, but the city will continue to hold its professional fireworks displays on occasions such as the Fourth of July.

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