Dayton, Ohio – More than $1.3 million has been given to the University of Dayton to help students who want to study science, technology, engineering, and math.
According to a press release from the University of Dayton, the university is a participant in the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s “Choose Ohio First” project, which aims to enhance the state economy by “building a strong pipeline of STEM graduates for Ohio’s workforce needs.”
According to the release, “we are passionate about STEM education and contributing to Dayton’s legacy of innovation, with talented graduates such as Jonathan Dekar, who invented a device that allows people with limited mobility to feed themselves, and Eileen Dolan, whose research is making chemotherapy less toxic and more effective.”
Additionally, students studying biochemistry, biology, physics, environmental science, pre-medical studies, or engineering may apply for the scholarships, according to the University of Dayton.
More information about the scholarship and how to apply can be found on the program’s website.