Local News

Man arrested on suspicion of breaking into Monroe Township store, stolen items found in vehicle

Monroe Township, Ohio – Tipp City Police apprehended a man earlier on suspicion of breaking into a Monroe Township store.

Officers from the Miami County Sheriff’s Office responded to a burglary alarm at a business in the 2800 block of Stone Circle Drive on Thursday, January 20 at around 11 p.m., according to the department. According to the Sheriff’s Office, officers discovered that the company had been forcibly entered and that many goods had been taken.

An officer from the Tipp City Police Department had stopped a car occupied by a 35-year-old Troy man nearby. It was revealed in the press release that the individual was not only in possession of stolen items, but he was also responsible for the break-in on Stone Circle Drive.

After conducting an investigation, Tipp City officers discovered that the individual had reportedly been engaged in similar break-ins that the department had been investigating for the previous year.

According to the statement, the suspect is being held in the Miami County Jail on a single breaking and entering charge, with further charges possible pending the outcome of the investigation into the other incidents.

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