A statement was issued by Black Lives Matter Dayton in response to allegations that some students in Springfield had forced their classmates into saying “Black Lives Matter.”
The following is the statement from the Black Lives Matter group from Dayton:
“The Black Lives Matter Dayton group is disheartened to learn of the incident at Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio, involving Black students’ alleged negative engagement towards White students while using the Black Lives Matter phrase,” the group wrote in a statement distributed Tuesday. Because of the sensitivity of the Kenwood Elementary School incident, Black Lives Matter Dayton is responding with concern for all the parents whose students were involved in the incident and the interests of school administration, teachers, staff, and the entire student body.”
An incident that occurred on February 10 at Kenwood Elementary School resulted in several students being charged with assault, according to the Springfield Police Department. The incident was allegedly reported to police on February 13 by the district.
The report states that several white students were forced to say “Black Lives Matter” after being dragged on a playground, while one of those students was also punched in the head.
The incident may “open a dialogue for students to embrace compassion for one another and a minimum understanding of social issues impacting their development in safe spaces,” according to a statement by the Black Lives Matter Dayton group.
The group characterized the incident as “frustrating to say the least,” and they agreed that finding a suitable approach to this issue is something that is well worth the time and effort in order to reduce tensions among our younger generation.