Dayton, Ohio – Anyone interested in applying for Montgomery County’s Emergency Rental Assistance program must submit their applications by the end of March.
It has been announced that the Montgomery County Emergency Rental Assistance program will no longer accept applications after March 31. All applications that were made up to and including March 31 will be taken into account.
One or more members of the family must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible for the program:
- Have qualified for unemployment benefits or attest by that they have experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic
- Be at risk of becoming homeless (pasat due rent, eviction notice or unsafe or unhealthy living conditions)
- have a household income below 50 percent of area median income ($37,850 for a household of four)
According to Tawana Jones, Manager of Community Development for Montgomery County, “This relief program has helped many families in Montgomery County deal with financial stress from the pandemic. Thank you to our partners who have worked so hard to process these applications and make sure families receive the funding needed to remain in their homes.”
A household may get up to 12 months of previous rent and three months of upcoming rent expenses if they meet the requirements. Any months in which help was given by other programs will not be covered by the money this program gives.
Contact United Way’s HelpLink at (937) 225-3000 for more information or to apply.