Michigan – In a deeply disturbing incident in Michigan, a 13-year-old girl has been charged with first-degree premeditated murder after stabbing her 7-year-old sister at least 10 times. According to the prosecutor’s office, the stabbing occurred while the older sister was babysitting in their home. The older sister, whose name has not been released due to her age, is also facing charges of felony murder and first-degree child abuse. This case is being treated with utmost seriousness given the severity of the charges and the young ages of those involved. Authorities believe mental illness played a role in the deadly stabbing.
Prosecutors announced on Tuesday that the 13-year-old is being charged as a juvenile. Prosecutor K. Worthy stated, “Given her young age, the state would have seven years to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate her until her mandatory release at age 21.” The decision to charge her within the juvenile system rather than as an adult was made after careful consideration. Worthy explained, “We opted to do just that,” emphasizing the hope that the girl could be rehabilitated and would not pose a danger to others in the future.
The charges stem from an incident that occurred on Saturday morning at the family’s home. The two sisters were left alone by their parents around 11:15 a.m., with the 13-year-old tasked with babysitting her younger sibling. An argument allegedly broke out over a note the 7-year-old girl left in the main-floor bathroom reminding family members to flush the toilet. This seemingly minor disagreement escalated into a deadly confrontation.
According to the probable cause affidavit, after the initial argument, the 13-year-old waited in the bathroom for her sister to enter. When the 7-year-old came in, the older sister allegedly attacked her with two knives: a kitchen knife and a Bowie knife. Taylor Detective Cpl. Z. Digiacomo provided further details, stating that the teen first used a butcher knife from the kitchen. When that “was not getting the job done,” she retrieved her mother’s larger self-defense knife from the laundry room.
The attack was brutal; police reported that the 7-year-old sustained at least ten stab wounds. After the assault, the 13-year-old called her stepfather and then dialed 911 herself. Officers from the police department arrived just after 1 p.m. They found the younger girl unresponsive in the bathtub with multiple stab wounds. Medics rushed her to a local hospital, but despite their efforts, she succumbed to her injuries.
Detective Digiacomo noted that the teen did not resist arrest and cooperated with the officers at the scene. She was taken into custody without incident. The 13-year-old allegedly admitted to the attack, and the information provided by her and evidence collected at the scene led to the serious charges she now faces.
During a press conference, prosecutor Worthy addressed the community’s concerns and shed light on the prosecution’s approach. She said, “Our other option was to keep her in the juvenile system. We opted to do just that.” Worthy explained that designating the girl as an adult was considered but ultimately rejected. This designation would have given the judge the option of sentencing her as a juvenile, as an adult, or issuing a blended sentence that could impose an adult sentence if rehabilitation failed.
“Hopefully, then she would not be a danger to others,” Worthy added, highlighting the focus on rehabilitation given the girl’s young age. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for later that Tuesday in juvenile court.
The case has shocked the local community, leaving many grappling with the reality of such a violent act committed by a young teenager against her sibling. The family’s neighbors and friends are mourning the loss of the 7-year-old and are trying to understand how a disagreement over something as simple as a bathroom note could lead to such a tragedy. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities have urged anyone with additional information to come forward.